What Are You Searching For is a joint effort of Project NO REST, A Call to Men, the North Carolina Coalition Against Human Trafficking, and the North Carolina Division of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch (IVPB). The purpose of the initiative is to reduce the demand for sex trafficking. This project is being implemented as a pilot program in Wake County, NC.
Project NO REST (North Carolina Organizing and Responding to the Exploitation and Sexual Trafficking of Children) began in 2014 as an initiative funded by the U.S. Children’s Bureau to address the trafficking of youth—age 25 and younger—in the state with a focus on those with a connection to the child welfare system. In addition to bringing together more than 100 stakeholders representing state and local agencies, non-governmental organizations, members of the faith community, advocates, and trafficking survivors to develop a comprehensive plan to address trafficking, the project implemented an 18-month outreach campaign to connect individuals who were or had been trafficked to services.
A Call to Men is a national organization that works to transform society by promoting healthy, respectful manhood. It offers trainings and education resources for companies, government agencies, schools, and community groups. At the core of all of their education and programming is their signature analysis on the collective socialization of manhood — the Man Box — and their community organizing model for promoting healthy manhood. Their work is rooted in their seven core principles, which include centering marginalized voices and addressing intersectional oppression. The What Are You Searching For campaign is based on A Call to Men’s analysis and 20+ years of experience working with men and boys to prevent gender-based violence.
The North Carolina Coalition Against Human Trafficking (NCCAHT) is a coalition of committed members collaborating in knowledge and practice to provide leadership and support across the state to eradicate human trafficking in North Carolina. The Coalition is a non-profit that operates for charitable and educational purposes. Membership is open to governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations and individuals who support the purpose of the Coalition.
For more information on What Are You Searching For, contact