

Think critically about the messages you have received about manhood, women, and girls. Seek to understand and challenge how you’ve been taught to view women and girls as sexual objects, property, and as having less value than men. Invite other men to do the same.

Watch this video for a quick overview.

Watch A Call to Men CEO Tony Porter’s TED Talk to learn more about men are socialized.


Listen to those most affected. Seek to understand their lived experience. Stretch yourself and your ability to be empathetic.

Read these statements from women and girls who have been sold for sex.


Don’t use language that denigrates women and girls. Don’t make or laugh at sexist or discriminatory jokes. Understand the misogyny and harm inherent in mainstream pornography. Develop an interest in the lives of women and girls outside of sexual conquest.

Learn how pornography – or “filmed prostitution” – reinforces male domination of women.


Most men don’t purchase sex, but far too often, they are silent when other men consume women and girls. Men’s silence is as much a part of the problem as the abuse is. Use your influence and platform to speak out about these issues.

Participate in A Call to Men’s Community Conversations to help develop your voice.

Consider what allyship can look like for you.


Live by the principles of healthy, respectful manhood. Embrace and express a full range of emotion and don’t conform to the pressure to always be in control. Be an example of healthy manhood to the young people in your life.

Watch this short video to see the benefits of healthy manhood.

Join A Call to Men’s free Healthy Manhood Facebook Group and commit to learning more.


Think critically about the messages you have received about manhood, women, and girls. Seek to understand and challenge how you’ve been taught to view women and girls as sexual objects, property, and as having less value than men. Invite other men to do the same.

Watch this video for a quick overview.

Watch A Call to Men CEO Tony Porter’s TED Talk to learn more about men are socialized.


Listen to those most affected. Seek to understand their lived experience. Stretch yourself and your ability to be empathetic.

Read these statements from women and girls who have been sold for sex.


Don’t use language that denigrates women and girls. Don’t make or laugh at sexist or discriminatory jokes. Understand the misogyny and harm inherent in mainstream pornography. Develop an interest in the lives of women and girls outside of sexual conquest.

Learn how pornography – or “filmed prostitution” – reinforces male domination of women.


Most men don’t purchase sex, but far too often, they are silent when other men consume women and girls. Men’s silence is as much a part of the problem as the abuse is. Use your influence and platform to speak out about these issues.

Participate in A Call to Men’s Community Conversations to help develop your voice.

Consider what allyship can look like for you.


Live by the principles of healthy, respectful manhood. Embrace and express a full range of emotion and don’t conform to the pressure to always be in control. Be an example of healthy manhood to the young people in your life.

Watch this short video to see the benefits of healthy manhood.

Join A Call to Men’s free Healthy Manhood Facebook Group and commit to learning more.